Hello my name is Donnie. This is my profile. I draw the doodles. This is the end. I love you! :D

Age 27

Janitor/ "Artist"

Joined on 5/13/20

Exp Points:
3,657 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.06 votes
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DonnieDoodles's News

Posted by DonnieDoodles - August 5th, 2023

Contest on my discord server is done. Hope everyone who showed up had a great time. :D

Posted by DonnieDoodles - July 4th, 2023

It's that time of year again. I'm hosting a fanart contest on my discord server. I'm giving a participation prize of $10 to anyone who wants to join the server and make an entry. :D

So, anyone who wants to join up, feel free to dm me with your discord username and I'll be glad to invite you.

Posted by DonnieDoodles - April 1st, 2023

So, one of my friends on Instagram (I made an account to correspond with artists to commission, not to post, long story.) needs help getting top surgery. Like, I'm sorry, but as of typing, my friend: https://www.instagram.com/arthur_dat_artist_/ Only has 4 donors.

I currently don't have the money to spare, or I would donate myself. Anyway, here's the man's gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-trans-man-get-top-surgery-please?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer

He's a talented artist who needs the help, so, please consider doing so.


Posted by DonnieDoodles - August 5th, 2022

Like the title says, The Contest I was having on my discord server has now concluded, I'll be sure to get the two participant's respective permission to broadcast the results.

Posted by DonnieDoodles - July 28th, 2022

Like it says in the title, the deadline to enter my discord server's art contest is one week away. If you haven't DM'd me your discord handle to join up and make something for the contest, you may have already missed out as of typing.

That being said, if you would like to join, I will accept anyone who changes their mind up to the last minute of the deadline at Aug 4, 11:59pm on US East Coast time.

Posted by DonnieDoodles - July 1st, 2022

Hey guys, this is the first time here that I've had more people who watch my content who AREN'T a part of my discord server. So, basically yeah, I'm throwing a little cash contest together for people who want to be a part of my little "inner circle" on discord. If you want to join, dm me your discord username and I'll be glad to shoot you an invite to it. :D

The Deadline to join is August 4, 2022, at 11:59pm US East, so you guys have an entire month to decide.

EDIT: As of typing, there are only two weeks before the deadline! So dm me your discord user if you would like to join because it's going to be over soon.

Posted by DonnieDoodles - May 26th, 2022

Like the good ol' title says........

GUESS WHO JUST GOT INVITED TO THE PORTAL?! :D I never thought I would see the day, honestly. I uh.... Well... I'm not sure what to do now. I just hope that I can continue making semi-decent content. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name the person who invited me, but, shout out to you. Thank you for doing that, mane.

Now to make something to celebrate. Newgrounds has a lot of funnie characters that I'm glad I can part of if I get scouted for real.

Posted by DonnieDoodles - June 2nd, 2020

But I like it here. Way less stressful than my old home on deviantArt. I'm just here to let everyone know that comic pages come on my discord server first, and they should dm me here if they want an invite. I'd be glad to have you. :)